Wednesday, 14 May 2014

CD Clock

Hello Everyone,

Today I will show you how to make use of old CD's. I know everyone will be thinking on what to do with the old CD's piling up in your shelves.
I will show you one easy way to reuse the CD and decorate it in your room ie - To make a CD clock.

All you need is old CD's, Glue, Timepiece machine and some decorative items.

First arrange the CD's in this way...

Glue them properly..above one another...

And for center part, for dial ,, you can take one dark CD and attach the timepiece machine at the back.
You can write the numbers.

Now you can decorate it in your style.. I was having some stickers so I decorated it in this way..

And at the back you can keep two rods for the support.. and glue a thread to hold on..

Now its ready to hang...See how beautiful its looking on the wall !!!!

Please do try to make this and encourage your kids to make reuse of the CD's instead of putting them in dustbin!!


Thursday, 8 May 2014

Paper Basket :)

Hello All,

Today I shall show you some small craft works which would not take more than an hour for it s making, You can use it in your shelves for small decorative. This can also be a good craft work for your kids.

All we use are newspaper ,glue and a small wooden stick.

A few color added for texture adds more beauty :)

Let us try coloring with brown.  Now it gets a wooden look.

Drop me a mail if you need any help. Think creative and enjoy your craft works.... :)